Random Thoughts on
Love and Fear
(and anything in between)

April 20, 2008

"You Know That Flag Flying Over The Courthouse ..."

I don't usually watch the Sunday talking heads shows.

But the weather today was a little grim, so after coming home from church I plopped down on the couch and surfed around the news shows. And I saw the end of "Face the Nation" where Bob Schieffer delivered a much-needed dose of intelligent discourse to the current political silly season. And, thank goodness, David Kroning at Daily Kos has put the text and the video online for us.
I watched the ABC debate the other night when the question came up, again, about why Senator Obama doesn't wear a flag pin in his lapel.

Since no one asked me, here's my thought on all that.

I think it is a nice thing if people want to wear a flag on their lapel.

But I believe it more important to keep the flag behind our lapel; in our hearts.

I feel the same way about wearing my religion on my sleeve; it fits better for me on the inside.

When I go to see our local baseball team, I do wear my Washington Nationals baseball cap. But am I less a fan if I don't wear it to work?

The truth is I have been known to wear a red, white and blue, stars and stripes tie on the Fourth of July. Am I less patriotic when I trade it for my Santa Claus tie at Christmas?

Patriotism is no more about signs or pins than religion is about reminding others how pious we think we are.

No, the proof in these puddings is not the signs we wear but how we act.

Wouldn't that also be a better way to judge our presidential candidates than by the jewelry they wear?

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